45th BCS Examination Date and Notice

Bangladesh Public Service Commission (BPSC) has published Civil Service Recruitment Notice via 45th BCS Examination 2022. BPSC will appoint a total of 2309 posts through this year’s BCS exam. Recruitment process will be done in three stages: preliminary, written and finally viva.

There are 524 general cadre posts, 1239 professional or technical cadre posts, and 437 general education posts in this recruitment process. Total number of non-cadre posts is 1022. Only certain candidates will be able to apply for the professional or technical cadre posts. A candidate can apply for both the general and technical cadre post when eligible.

Any Bangladeshi aged between 21 and 30 can apply for the 45th BCS examination. Applicants with quotas can apply up to 32 years old. A student can apply even if the result of the examination is not published. In this case the written examination of the student must be completed before the last date of application. Employed candidates can apply as well.

The application period for preliminary examination is starting on December 10 and ending on December 31. BPSC said that the exam could be held in the second week of March 2023.

Applicants can apply via Teletalk’s website “bpsc.teletalk.com.bd” or BPSC’s official website. bpsc.gov.bd is the address of the website of Bangladesh Public Service Commission. Application should be done by filling BPSC Form-1. At the time of applying, the candidate must attach a 300 x 300 px photograph of max 100 KB size and a 300 x 80 px signature of max 60KB size.

45th BCS Examination Date and Notice

🔥🔥 গুগল নিউজে বাংলাটেক সাইট ফলো করতে এখানে ক্লিক করুন তারপর ফলো করুন 🔥🔥

You have to attach a photo and signature while filling in the BPSC Form-1. You’ll get an User ID after applying, then you have to pay the application fee from a Teletalk SIM. After paying the fee, you’ll receive an User ID & Password via SMS, then you can login and download the admit card. Make sure to save the User ID & Password for later use. The fee for the 45th BCS Examination is 700 TK.

A candidate has to pass written and viva exams after the preliminary to pass and get selected. Preliminary examination will be in MCQ format and contain 200 marks. Preliminary passed candidates would be able to take part in a written exam which consists of 900 marks. Then there is viva exam of 200 marks. Recruitment will be done based on the result of 1100 marks in written and viva.

Preliminary and written examination centres are located at various centres in Dhaka, Chittagong, Rajshahi, Khulna, Barisal, Sylhet, Rangpur and Mymensingh. Candidates can select their preferred centre location while filling in the application form. However, the final stage of the viva examination will be held at the head office of the examination commission in Dhaka. You can see the PDF circular or notification here.

👉 আমাদের ইউটিউব চ্যানেলে সাবস্ক্রাইব করে সাথেই থাকুন। এখানে ক্লিক করে সাবস্ক্রিপশন কনফার্ম করুন!

📌 পোস্টটি শেয়ার করুন! 🔥

সর্বশেষ প্রযুক্তি বিষয়ক তথ্য সরাসরি আপনার ইমেইলে পেতে ফ্রি সাবস্ক্রাইব করুন!

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